Return of the Hellecasters - PHCD-7001 $14.99 Don't be fooled by the title -- it's the boys' FIRST album. 13 songs of pure mayhem. 1993 Release.

Escape From Hollywood - PHCD-7002 $14.99 Ah yes, the boys' 2nd album featuring 13 more songs of twisted tele-torturing. 1994 release.

New Axes to Grind - PHCD-7003 $14.99 At long last, the latest masterpiece we've all been waiting for! Another ten tunes of total twang terror from the tenacious three known collectively as, "The Hellecasters".

Essential Listening - HCD-8146 $17.99 Essential Listening Vol. 1 is aptly titled. It is a "must" for all aficionados of the guitar (including Hellecaster fans who already have the three CDs from which most of the material was garnered). Germany-DVD - PHV-38001 $20 Remastered & Available Now in DVD & VHS!
The Official Pharaoh Records Video Release.